
Arty-Folks Art for Wellbeing Courses and Workshops

Taster Workshops

Arty-Folks Taster Workshops will give you a good insight into what we offer and how we run our courses.

Arty-Folks offer two art for wellbeing taster workshops: Come Connect (1hr workshop) and Lunch and Learn (30mins workshops)


Arty-Folks Beginner Courses will give you a solid foundation to build a new rewarding hobby. This will also help you connect with other people too! 

You will enjoy being creative even if you are a total beginner or if you haven’t done any art since school. Our artist at Arty-Folks will work alongside you and show you step by step how to develop your creative skills. They will show you how you can use art to better manage your mental health and wellbeing.

“I’ve never done so much in art in my life! It’s been the highlight of my week and I have met some lovely people I will stay in touch with.” (beginners course Oct.’21)


Arty-Folks Improvers Courses will develop your creative thinking and discover what makes you tick!

Arty-Folks 6-week courses will build on your creative skills to express yourself using art for wellbeing. This will improve your understanding of mental health self-help techniques that you can develop through your hobby.

Arty-Folks artists will help you develop your creative thinking and practical art skills to ground yourself in your own personal arts practice.

You will enjoy spending ‘me’ time with like-minded people. You will learn about art history, contemporary artists and their approach to using materials. You’ll also look at drawing, painting, shaping, collage and we will link this to self-development themes to nurture your creative drive to thrive.

“The course has helped me to process some of my unhelpful beliefs that stopped me from self-caring and connecting to other people.”
(advanced course July’21)

The Arty-Folks Improvers Course also includes 1:1 sessions with Arty-Folks’ Wellbeing Coach. They will offer you a safe space to discuss any issues with complete confidentiality and will help you make the most of your creative journey.


Arty-Folks Advanced Courses will open your mind to experimenting and exploring how Art can support your mental health and self-development!

Arty-Folks’ 6 week courses are based around self-development themes designed to stretch you out of your comfort zone. This will encourage you to create artwork that tells your story in a most compelling way and leading to positive insights. It will push you creatively, mentally and personally!

“I had never realised before how much my pride in perfection was holding me back and how much stress it was causing me.” (participant July’21)

The Arty Folks Advanced Course also includes 1:1 sessions with Arty-Folks’ Wellbeing Coach who will offer you a safe space to discuss any issues with complete confidentiality. It will also help you rediscover your strengths to overcome past hurts and difficulties, and to map your own way forward.

Arty-Folks’ Canvas of Change project  supports young people 16+  to reframe life experiences through art as therapy, peer support, and 1:1 mentoring&coaching.


Parents and Support Workers referring young people 16+ to our service please provide details using the form below.

    To book your place click on your chosen course tab in the calendar below.

    Arty-Folks runs courses in-person or on Zoom.  If you are new to Zoom click here to download  our Zoom guide to help you get started.

    Data Protection and Privacy

    This is Arty-Folks’ privacy notice that explains the basics about why we collect your data and what we will used it for.