Warwickshire County Council commissioned Arty-Folks to support adults 18+ of working age through the Covid-19 pandemic with an extensive programme of Art for Wellbeing courses and workshops delivered online as well as in-person.
Art for Wellbeing Warwickshire
Warwickshire County Council Public Health commissioned Arty-Folks to deliver a total of 145 courses and support total 1,200 residents between January 2021 and July 2023. On 11th January 2021 we ran the first workshop ‘Come Connect’ at a time when venues were still shut and NHS services focused on containing the Covid-19 virus.
You can read what we have achieved during this intense 30 months programme here. We are looking forward to Coventry University’s evaluation of impact across the four health suites.
Participants talk about their personal journey through Art for Wellbeing and how being creative with other like-minded people helps to break through social isolation and regain a foothold in life.
Like so many who joined Art for Wellbeing courses, A. from Rugby had a very difficult time during the pandemic and was struggling to come to terms with the loss of loved ones. Attending a course she rediscovered her passion for making and creating, and the compassion and kindness she needed to find some solace.
Painting for Pleasure
Passion for Plants
Uniquely Vincent