
Welcome to Arty-Folks art studios in Coventry

"Art has the power to heal wounds, mend broken hearts, and ignite the spark of hope within us."

Arty-Folks offers adults 16+ of working age a creative therapy programme designed in stepping stones leading to mental health recovery.

At our art studios in Coventry we run weekly Creative Peer Support Groups with max. 10 participants so our expert team of staff can provide the tailor made and effective mental health support people need.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a complete beginner or experienced artist.

What matters is that you are open to learning about how you can communicate through your arts practice, become more self-aware in the here and now, and how you can live your life with confidence.

We will support you on your journey towards

  • tackling social anxiety
  • addressing practical difficulties in your daily living
  • improving self-motivation
  • connecting you to new opportunities
  • coaching you through your mental health difficulties
  • building your skills towards volunteering, education, or employment



a free taster workshop on Zoom for adults 18+ in Coventry and Warwickshire.

Meet our staff team and experience how our creative programme can meet your needs and expectatoins.

3-week intro course

Arty-Folks art studios in the centre of Coventry offer you a safe space to learn about your creative self  and will help you take the next step on your recovery journey.


After completing your 3-week intro course, Arty-Folks will support you to join groups and activities that will meet your longer-term needs and expectations.

Meet the Team at Arty-Folks who will be supporting you to take the next step on your creative recovery journey.

Meet Liz, your Art Tutor

Liz will help you develop your creative skills and confidence and will help  you build a portfolio of art work for College or University if that’s what you want to achieve.

“You are NEVER too old to study Art and follow your passion!  The oldest person we supported into Uni was 56 and the youngest 19!”

Meet Lorella, your 1:1 Wellbeing Coach

With Lorella you can talk through 1:1 what stands in your way to achieving your dreams and ambitions.

“Sometimes we can feel stuck in life-situations and can’t imagine a different way forward. Talking things through helps to unravel knots and clear your mind, so you can see the path ahead.”

Meet Tasz, your Peer Recovery Worker

Tasz will support you 1:1 with all those practical issues that are holding you back.  This includes helping you with finances, activities in the community, writing your CV and looking for jobs or volunteering….

“I know first-hand how powerful and transformative art can be to help you find your feet again.”

"The healing power of art lies in its ability to communicate what words cannot express."