Mindy’s Lovely Locks Raised £630

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Mindy launched a Crowdfunder for Arty-Folks on 20th of May 2020,
and raised an incredible £630 in four weeks!

Mindy launched her Crowdfunder during Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 to encourage on-going conversations about mental health and the particular challenges that Covid-19 lockdown presents to the most vulnerable in our society.

We take it for granted that everyone has at least a smartphone and internet access but in fact 60% of the people who enrolled on The Fine Art to Wellbeing course and did not have the skills and confidence to use video conferencing. Many didn’t have smartphones, didn’t have sufficient data, or were on pay-as-you-go and so couldn’t afford to live stream.

Mindy was inspired to raise funds for Arty-Folks through her own experiences: “I have experienced mental ill health and I know many, many others who have too. Everyone needs support to find their way through those difficult times and each person’s journey will be different. Most of those journeys will involve making some kind of creative connection that can help us to process and communicate our experience and, most importantly, be comfortable with who we are and comfortable in the world with others. ” Mindy Chillery is the Executive Director of Coventry Artspace

Remaining physically distanced but socially connected is how we need to lead our lives for some time to come.  With the money Mindy raised we will be able to purchase 3 tablets which we will lend to people who need support to come online. We will work in partnership with other organisations who will provide digital training, make sure they have a good mobile phone contract, help with budgeting, debts, etc.

Mindy raised this incredible £630 by shaving off her beautiful long hair! Which she donated to The Little Princess Trust who make real hair wigs for children affected by cancer.

Watch the part 1 and part 2 videos below for Mindy’s hair shaving adventure!

Mindy’s lovely golden locks getting ready to go

A glass of white wine (or two?) later and it’s all gone

Well done Mindy and Thank You so much!

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