Apart but Together

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Our art workshops have offered a lifeline to so many people; a safe space where they were able to reduce social isolation, enjoy the company of like-minded peers, and be challenged to develop their creative thinking skills.  But all our activities require using art materials face-to-face, in the same room, in close proximity. When it hit us that we will not be able to be creative in the same space with our members for a while we felt truly heart-broken.

But it didn’t take us long to bounce back!

We decided that not being able to be in the same space isn’t going to stop us doing what we love most – connecting and creating with our members.

So, within days of the lock down we started running our groups online!

Each week we set our members ‘homework’, a project using ‘stuff’ they would have in the house which may seem rubbish at first but are in fact precious art materials.

To be creative, to express yourself, to have fun, is not about having the ‘right’ materials at hand. It’s about seeing the potential for transformation in everything around you.

Here’s a snapshot of the work our members have produced during lock down.

Week 1 Homework project: Playing with food

Week 2 Homework project: What can you create with aluminium drinks cans?

Week 3 Homework project: Use cardboard to express what makes you feel at home

Week 4 Homework project: Use natural materials to catch your dreams

Week 5 Homework project: Illustrate words from your stream of consciousness

Week 6 Homework project: Turn negative thoughts into positive (finger)prints

Week 7 Homework project: Inspired by Frida Kahlo, express emotion through still life

To see more visit:

https://www.facebook.com/ArtyFolks/ or https://www.instagram.com/artyfolks/ or https://www.pinterest.co.uk/artyfolks/

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