Re-opening at Eaton House

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On 3rd of August 2020 we re-opened our workshops for face-to-face activity with our members. After 4 months of exclusively digital contact the first day was unbelievably exciting but also hugely nerve racking!

We had cleared, cleaned, scrubbed, and removed our lovely long tables to make space for individual small (formerly exam) tables donated by FabLab Coventry and Coventry University to help maintain safe distancing.

We worked through Covid-19 Health and Safety rules and regulations again and again to make the workshop as safe as possible. We also purchased additional PPE and sanitising materials, costing a whopping £500! which we had not budgeted for.

But it’s worth it! Here’s what our members said on the first day back to some ‘normality’:

“I used to come regularly and it was the highlight of my week before Covid. I have missed it so much!! The new look felt a bit weird and bare at first. But we’re all getting used to the new ‘normal’ and filling it with amazing artwork. It’s exciting being together again and seeing people in 3D!”

“I joined Arty-Folks during lockdown so I have no idea how it was before but watching the video I could see how fun and social it used to be. Stll, it is all really well organised now and all those fears I’d had coming here for the first time have just gone.”

“When you get engrossed in your work you forget you’re wearing your mask and just get on with it. I’m really enjoying being with people again even if you have to make more of an effort to talk to each other across the room. It’s well worth it!”

We run this face-to-face group exclusively for members who are all looking to start employment, education, or volunteering, This ‘New Perspectives’ group is funded through Groundwork and European Social Funds.

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