
Arty-Folks July-Oct '24

Arty-Folks supports adults 16+ in the CV postal code area who are struggling with mental ill health to navigate life circumstances using the creative process.

What’s On Calendar you will find our summer programme of online and in-person courses and workshops you can book on now!

“I learnt so much about myself and about mental health through the art projects.  I feel much more positive and confident to  meet the challenges life will throw at me.”

Latest news from Arty-Folks

From a blank Canvas to personal Change

a project funded by the Heart of England Community Foundation Inclusive Communities Fund. We are excited to announce that we…

Skills-based volunteering is a Win-Win-Win!

We are delighted the Lloyds Bank Foundation for England & Wales used Arty-Folks as a case study to demonstrate the…

Thanks to the People’s Postcode Lottery

Arty-Folks is a small charity and in recent years we have struggled to cover the costs to run our art…

Read Our Book

Young adults in Coventry tell their their story, warts n’all, and how being creative has helped them pull through in our book called, Unseen Stories

We are most grateful to our Funders
